Message from the superintendent of Russellville schools, Dr. Mark Gotcher: RSD campuses will be closed tomorrow, February 15th, for in-person learning and we will pivot to remote/virtual learning due to inclement weather and power outages in our area.
-we will exercise flexibility when assignments are to be completed.
-we will monitor the weather and announce each evening as to whether school will be closed the following day.
-Since we are allowed remote learning days, none of these days will be required to be made up at the end of the year. Any non-remote days would cause us to make up days after Memorial Day.
-Please be safe and enjoy the snow!
RSD campuses will be closed tomorrow due to inclement weather-students will participate in remote learning for Monday, February 15, 2021.
Los campus de RSD estarán cerrados mañana debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, los estudiantes participarán en aprendizaje remoto el lunes 15 de febrero de 2021.
ARVAC will be putting collection boxes at all 11 schools and central office one day next week. Their stock of diapers and wipes is low. The end of the drive is 4.15.21.
*Please help fulfill this need if you can.
![diaper flyer](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1234691/large_Diaper_Drive_Flyer__1___3_.png)
ATU has postponed Time out for Tech due to inclement weather.
![Time out scheduled](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1234705/large_image0__5_.jpeg)
First security bank delivered gift bags to our custodians to show their appreciation for their hard work and dedication to keeping our students and staff safe during the pandemic!
Thank you First Security and to all of our community partnerships for your support of our schools!
Good afternoon RSD families-Out of an abundance of caution in response to the inclement weather forecast, Superintendent Dr. Mark Gotcher has determined that Thursday, February 11, RSD will pivot to a remote learning day for students and staff. All campuses will be closed.
Take home meals for students will not be available for Thursday, but will resume Friday, February 12 for weekend pick up. Thank you! RJ
From Superintendent Dr. Mark Gotcher; in anticipation for the possibility of inclement weather, RSD will make an announcement by noon, tomorrow, on whether or not school will be closed Thursday, February 10.
In the event that school closing is necessary- all students and staff will pivot to remote learning for that day.
*Contact your child’s school front office to be added to automatic messages and alerts from the district for future announcements.
![Inclement weather](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1226544/large_1612913647000.jpeg)
Important announcement for RSD families: mark your calendars accordingly- Monday, March 1st there will NOT be a one hour early dismissal!
Dear RSD families,
Beginning tomorrow, Friday, February 5, dining services will send each elementary student home with meals for the weekend. There will be 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches per student. Meals will be fully cooked and able to be easily reheated for convenience.
These meals are free, and available to every RSD student regardless of their normal free/reduced/paid lunch statuses. Meals will be sent home on Fridays for the remainder of the school year.
We encourage everyone to take advantage of this program!
Estimadas familias de RSD,
A partir de mañana, los servicios de comedor enviarán a cada estudiante de primaria a casa con comidas para el fin de semana. Habrá 2 desayunos y 2 almuerzos por alumno. Las comidas estarán completamente cocidas y podrán recalentarse fácilmente para mayor comodidad.
Estes comidas son gratuitas y están disponibles para todos los estudiantes de RSD independientemente de su estado normal de almuerzo gratis / reducido / pagado. Las comidas se enviarán a casa los viernes por el resto del año escolar. ¡Alentamos a todos a aprovechar este programa!
Attn RCVA 6th & 7th Grade students: spring picture day is scheduled for Friday, February 5, from 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. at RMS. Students will sign in at the front office.
![RMS Picture day](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1206584/large_rms_piture_day.png)
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2021https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1103498/2021_02_01_Called_Agenda.pdf
Attn RCVA 6th & 7th Grade students: spring picture day is scheduled for Friday, February 5, from 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. at RMS. Students will sign in at the front office.
![RCVA- RMS Picture day](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/1206568/large_rms_piture_day.png)
Please contact the Office of Elementary Teaching and Learning for location, specific details, and to schedule a time. 479-968-5216. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/10
![int. fair](https://9d27c7f95ef294dc0424-26d79bc6be708f381d145e967c4e8931.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/live_feed_image/image/1192619/large_RSD_Interview_Fair__21.jpg)
Announcements: RJHS Cheer FREE Technique Clinics to prepare with Tryouts! Contact bri.riley@rsdk12.net
RSD January Employees of the month honored at the January School Board Meeting. Congratulations!
Please contact the Office of Elementary Teaching
and Learning for location, specific details, and to schedule a time.
Out of Zone Transfer Information is available online! Applications available at RSD's administration office.
Called minutes from Wednesday, January 20 Called Board Meeting: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1087058/1-20-2021_Called_Minutes.pdf
Called Board Meeting-AGENDA
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2021, 5:00 P.M.
The meeting will be called to order by Board President Chris Cloud.
AGENDA:The board will conduct the yearly evaluation of Superintendent Dr. Mark Gotcher.
Congratulations to those employees recognized at last night's board meeting as RSD's January Employee's of the month!